Questions to Ask Before Hiring Painting Contractors in Brisbane
When deciding to paint your home or office selecting the painting contractor is essential to achieve a notch durable result. In Brisbane, where the weather can be tough, on surfaces choosing a trustworthy painting contractor becomes even more crucial. This post will...
Saying Goodbye to Peeling Paint: Causes, Effects, and Remedies
Peeling paint is an issue that can happen on surfaces like walls, ceilings or even painted objects such as trim. The reasons behind peeling paint can differ often related to problems with moisture, inadequate surface preparation, incompatible paint layers and exposure...
Choosing Between Spray and Roller Painting: Pros and Cons for Your Painting Project
When you’re getting ready to paint a room or the exterior of your house one of the decisions you’ll need to make is how to put on the paint. The big question is, should you use a spray gun or a roller? Each method has its advantages and the best choice really depends...
Transform Your Spaces with Award-Winning Local & Professional Painters in Brisbane, QLD
Welcome to McAuliffe Painting, where we blend excellence with cutting edge techniques in the realm of painting. We are thrilled to share that we have recently received two esteemed accolades that acknowledge our unwavering dedication to innovation and exceptional...
11 Reasons Why McAuliffe Painting Should Be Your Go-To for Industrial and Commercial Painting in Brisbane
When it comes to protecting and enhancing your commercial property in Brisbane, selecting the top rated & certified painting contractor is of utmost importance. It’s crucial to find a team that not only possesses skill and experience but also demonstrates...
Mcauliffe Painting Pty. Ltd. Announces New Business Address
Brisbane based professional painting company. McAuliffe Painting Pty. Ltd.. Has moved to a new business location which is now operational from today! The new address - Unit 6/78 Logan Rd, Woolloongabba, QLD 4102 Australia - was selected to provide more space for team...
McAuliffe Painting is CM3 safety certified Painting Company
McAuliffe Painting is proud to have gotten the Certificate of Prequalification in OHS/WHS from Cm3. McAuliffe Painting has been evaluated and prequalified as a safety-conscious company, so you don't have to worry about hiring them. Cm3 is Australia's best online...
What Is the Most Popular Interior Colour for 2022?
Neutral tones have been the interior colour of choice for decades. The perfect blank canvas for everything else in your life, whites, greys and earth tones are a staple of the design world. But 2022 saw a shift, with painters and designers moving in a much more...
What Is the Best Colour for a Commercial Building?
Commercial buildings are some of the most challenging painting jobs for professional teams. The sheer scale of the work requires specialist equipment and spraying systems, and it’s not a job you want to be doing regularly. Making the most of your investment means...
How Do I Choose a Commercial Painter?
Painting a commercial building is a huge undertaking. Most commercial buildings are much larger than the average house, so painting those spaces is better left to the professionals. With specialist equipment and access to commercial-grade paint systems, a commercial...
How to Prepare Gutters for Painting
Take a walk through the typical Brisbane suburb and you’re likely to find homes finished in a few different exterior styles. Bricks, weatherboards and cladding panels remain popular all over the region, but there’s another common option: rendered walls. Rendered homes...
How to Calculate How Much Paint You’ll Need
Whether you’re painting a single wall or your entire home, having all the paint and tools you need beforehand will ensure the job goes smoothly. While it’s not the end of the world to get halfway through a job and run out of paint, it’s definitely simpler to make sure...
Can You Paint a Roof?
Painting your roof is one of the quickest and most affordable ways to update the exterior of your home or building. Most of us don’t spend a lot of time worrying about the pain on the roof over our heads. But over time it gets worn away by the sun, wind and rain....
What is Body Corporate Painting?
If you live or work in an apartment or office buildingthen you’ve probably seen the handiwork of your body corporate. In those shared buildings and complexes, communal areas like gardens, foyers, hallways and courtyards all need maintenance. No individual property...
Why Render a House?
ake a walk through the typical Brisbane suburb and you’re likely to find homes finished in a few different exterior styles. Bricks, weatherboards and cladding panels remain popular all over the region, but there’s another common option: rendered walls. Rendered homes...
What Insurance Does a Painter Need?
Trades like painters come into contact with hundreds of clients each year, and we love taking part in their projects and helping people bring their visions to life. Watching a project come together is incredibly satisfying, but it’s hard work, and that means it’s...
How to Paint a Brick House
Painted bricks are a popular trend, with paint being a great way to update the look of any brick home. Compared to the cost of rendering, painting bricks is both cost-effective and simple, and it’s the right solution for homeowners all over Brisbane. But, brick isn’t...
Duplex House Painting in Brisbane
Duplex House Painting Popular with investors and families needing the space offered by dual-living, the number of duplexes in Brisbane is on the rise. Despite their larger size, duplex painting is no problem for the McAuliffe Painting team. We offer residential...
The Differences Between Interior & Exterior Paint
Take a tour through the paint aisle at your local hardware store and you’ll find hundreds of different kinds of paint, each claiming to be the best option for one application or another. Often the biggest distinctions that get made between interior and exterior...
What Does Painting An Apartment Building Entail?
Anyone who has ever picked up a brush to paint a feature wall or save money on a renovation project will know a lot of work can go into painting. For owners of large buildings such as apartment complexes, the thought of painting an entire building can be daunting....
Painting A House In The Summer Heat
Painting a house is a strenuous task. Add to that the summer heat that South East Queensland feels, and it can be downright hell. The heat itself can make painting a side of a house feel like you are working in a sauna but add to that the unpredictability of summer...
How To Calculate How Much Paint You Need To Paint A Room
Painting a room can not only be a time-consuming project, but if you haven’t calculated how much paint you need, it can be a huge pain when you run out of paint. Not only do you have to spend more money you most likely hadn’t budgeted for, but you also have to drop...
What Makes A Quality Paint?
High-quality paint can mean the difference between picking up peeling paint off your lawn in a few years time and not seeing another painter at your home for 10 years or more. If you’re going to the expense of having your home painted, you want to know that it’ll look...
How To Protect The Paint On Your Seaside Property
Living in a seaside home is on almost everybody’s bucket list. The sound of the ocean, the amazing views, the warm breeze, walks on the beach… it’s a dream come true. While the salt, sand and sun can be good for the soul, it’s a challenging environment for your home....
Abseiling vs Scaffolding: Which Way Works For Your Project?
When working on a project where heights are a factor, there is a question that does tend to get asked: Should we use those who are skilled in Rope Access or just use scaffolding? This all really depends on how high the building or project is and what sort of work...
Choosing Interior Office Colours For Commercial Painting
Whether it’s a calming shade of blue or an energising red, moods can be influenced by any number of colour combinations. Consciously, you may not always appreciate the effect of colour in a given space. But subconsciously, your brain is always processing its...
What Is the Cost of Painting the Exterior of a Single Storey House Versus a Double Storey House?
It should come as no surprise that painting a double-storey house is vastly different from painting a single storey. It’s double the paint, double the work and double the manpower (sometimes). But does this generally mean it’s double the cost? At McAuliffe Painting,...
A Guide To Painting Your Gutters & Fascias
Refreshing your roofline is one of the easiest ways to instantly increase the curb appeal of your home. Updating the exterior of your house with a manicured garden, newly laid driveway or a fresh coat of paint can improve both the appearance and value of your home....
How To Series: How To Protect Windows & Doors While Painting
Diving in brush first to a large painting job is going to be more trouble than it’s worth. The 6 “P’s” really come into play here. Ask any professional painter and they’ll tell you most of their time is spent preparing a room by masking all the surfaces that are not...
Paint Flaking & Wrinkling: Causes & Solutions
The image of paint peeling from the walls or flaking off the ceiling can be a person's worst nightmare. Not only does it look horrendous, but fixing it is a drama in itself. Paint flaking and wrinkling is a common occurrence with any residential or commercial...
Top 7 Tips For Picking a Commercial Painter
Need a commercial painter for your next project but not sure what to look for? When it comes to picking a commercial painter, the task is critical to ensure smooth delivery on your project and if you pick a company that is less than reliable, it can also be very...
How To Series: How To Prep A Wall For Painting
When it comes to commercial or residential painting, preparation is key. Ensuring that things are prepped properly can be the difference between having the job perfect from the start to having to repaint sooner than expected. Below is steps you should take when it...