
Residential Painting

Questions to Ask Before Hiring Painting Contractors in Brisbane

When deciding to paint your home or office selecting the painting contractor is essential to achieve a notch durable result. In Brisbane, where the weather can be tough, on surfaces choosing a trustworthy painting contractor becomes even more crucial. This post will walk you through the inquiries to pose before enlisting a painting contractor in […]

Questions to Ask Before Hiring Painting Contractors in Brisbane Read More »

Double storey colonial style Queensland home | McAuliffe Painting

What Is the Cost of Painting the Exterior of a Single Storey House Versus a Double Storey House?

It should come as no surprise that painting a double-storey house is vastly different from painting a single storey. It’s double the paint, double the work and double the manpower (sometimes). But does this generally mean it’s double the cost? At McAuliffe Painting, we go over what costs are involved with painting a double-storey house

What Is the Cost of Painting the Exterior of a Single Storey House Versus a Double Storey House? Read More »

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