McAuliffe Painting is proud to have gotten the Certificate of Prequalification in OHS/WHS from Cm3.
McAuliffe Painting has been evaluated and prequalified as a safety-conscious company, so you don't have to worry about hiring them.
Cm3 is Australia's best online OHS/WHS prequalification system for contractors.
Cm3 takes into account the need for contractors and consultants to "demonstrate health and safety management capabilities" and helps organisations better manage their contractors in terms of health and safety needs.
This commitment to safety is important to McAuliffe Painting.
- Commercial
- Residential
- Roof Painting
- Rope Access
- Locations
- Painting Projects
- External Repaint Project Camp Hill
- McWhirters Repaint & Restoration
- Koko Apartments Rope Access
- External Repaint of Shafston College
- Complete Restoration of Shafston House
- Wynnum Convent
- SL8 Apartments Rope Access
- Repaint of the Newmarket Hotel
- St Brigid’s Catholic Primary School
- Heritage Building Painting
- Restoration & Repainting Foyer Masonic Temple
- External Repaint Two Towers Castlebar Cove
- External Repaint Northbridge Apartments
- About Us
- Contact Us