
Albion’s Painting Specialists

Residential Painting in Albion

Now having grown to service the entire Brisbane region, McAuliffe Painting has been providing expert residential painting services in Albion for more than 20 years. Our team prides itself on the ability to consistently deliver high quality painting projects at cost-effective rates. Using state of the art equipment and the highest quality paint systems, we can repaint your home, inside and out, without breaking the bank.

When it’s time to refresh the look of your home, a new paint job is often the solution. Fresh paint leaves the walls of your home looking better and feeling brighter. A new residential paint job even has the potential to increase your home’s value at sale time! Whether you are thinking about selling or just want to personalise your walls, McAuliffe’s painting services are designed to meet your needs. Simply speak to our team about what you want to achieve and our expert painters can deliver stunning results.

Why Clients Choose Us?


Award Winning

Excellence Guaranteed

A team you can rely on

Should you have any questions or queries regarding any of the services that we offer, please feel free to contact us.

Expert Commercial Painting Services in Albion

McAuliffe Painting performs a wide variety of commercial painting tasks across Albion. We help businesses with painting projects of all shapes and sizes, including difficult access and rope access work for high rise or oddly shaped buildings. We understand the way your building looks is a reflection of your business, and our team can provide the exact look and feel you are going for. Our painting services always include quality paint products that are specified for your use. The combination of fantastic paints and state of the art equipment makes our services even more cost-effective, allowing us to complete jobs quickly and efficiently.

We are available to design, specify and paint anything from single walls, to multiple office floors or even your entire building. With a team that has been trained to safely use rope access painting systems, we can reach the highest levels and most obscure parts of your building. Talk to our team about your project and we can design a painting solution that stands up to anything you can throw at it.

Exterior Painting

Painting the outside of a house is a big job, but giving your home a facelift is much simpler with the right tools. McAuliffe painting uses a range of specialty equipment to finish the outside of your home with high quality exterior paints.

Camp Hill Project | McAuliffe Painting

Interior Painting

Create the look and feel the inside of your home deserves with a fresh coat of paint. Update your rooms, personalise your favourite spaces or dress your home up ready for sale. Whatever you’re looking to do, McAuliffe painting can help.

St Brigids Project | McAuliffe Painting

Roof Painting

Keep Brisbane’s storms and sun at bay with a fresh coat of paint on the roof. Servicing both residential and commercial properties, we can repaint all common roofing systems with exterior paints that we trust to stand up to life on the roof.

McWhirters Project | McAuliffe Painting

Warehouse Painting

Large buildings with open spaces and high ceilings are no problem for our team. We can repaint your warehouse, indoors and out. Give your warehouse a fresh look and keep it protected from the elements with our high quality painting services.

Office Painting

Your office is a reflection of your business, so it’s important to keep the space looking good. With our range of equipment we can repaint your office inside and out, including those hard to reach areas and any specific designs you want.

Rope Access Painting

The McAuliffe team is certified to perform rope access painting, allowing us to paint tall and hard to reach places quickly and safely. We can paint any building and introduce attractive design elements that can't be achieved any other way.

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McAuliffe Painting